6 Quotes & Sayings By Annette Bening

Annette Bening, one of the most respected actresses in Hollywood, is also a writer. Her first novel is called A Place for Us, which is about two people who are connected by fate. It's a love story, but it's really about two people who come together because of their common history and how that affects their lives. Her second novel is called The Arrangement, and it's based on her experience as a Hollywood actress Read more

It's about a woman who has been married to the same man for thirty-five years and has no idea how lonely she's been throughout this time. He wants her to make a choice to make herself happy; she doesn't want to make that choice.

We all get lost along the way, but hopefully we figure out some sort of path. It helps if you can imagine the process as well as the goal. Those kinds of dreams are easier to achieve. Annette Bening
Acting is not about being famous, it's about exploring the human soul. Annette Bening
It's hard to make a living in this business. Unions aren't as strong as they used to be. For a journeyman actor - someone who doesn't have a famous name but has consistent work in theater or film or TV - it has become harder to get through, harder to raise a family. Annette Bening
I do have to take care of myself, not only because I'm in the movies, just for mental health reasons. I exercise for me. You know, maybe it would be nice to not have to do that in order to feel good, but I do. I feel like I have to, to feel good. To clear my head and all of that, so. Annette Bening
When I watch my kids, and I see the primal level at which the sibling relationships are formed, then I completely understand what these unresolved adult sibling problems are based on. You know, 'Mom liked you better' and, 'You got your own room and I didn't.' Annette Bening